rapture in the church of disreputable daydreams |
d e b r i s |
Steve Norton: soprano, alto & baritone saxophones, bass clarinet,
crow call, ocarina Recorded: July 1994 |
... Debris
picks up the pieces after the train wreck of jazz and rock and puts them
back together as something categorically fresh.
John Shiurba, San Francisco Bay Guardian
A thrilling - though arduous - journey through noise,
avant-garde and free forms ... it's like going on a rollercoaster: some
people get sick to their stomach, others have a hell of a good time.
Jazzpodium (Germany)
...[E]leven diving, jolting improvisiations with an
effective blend of thundering force and collective finesse...This release
documents the continued growth of this ensemble and is highly recommended.
Michael Rosenstein, Cadence
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